NHS Patients

0333 202 0300

Medico Legal

0333 202 3188

Self Pay & PMI

0333 200 2064

Social Value

Our goals and commitments

As part of a renewed sustainability strategy, our goal is to set a net zero pathway that ultimately drives our total greenhouse gas emissions to equal or less than the emissions that we remove

InHealth is committed to transparency and ethical behaviour in all our activities, making a positive social, economic and environmental contribution to the communities in which we operate.

We promote equality and diversity across the organisation, focussing on staff development and providing safeguards to ensure all employees are treated with respect.

Our employees are committed to corporate and social responsibilities in their day to day work, and through their work with charities, communities and environmental projects, and we ensure that environmental policy is continually reviewed to ensure that it reflects changes in regulation and best practice.

As part of a renewed sustainability strategy, our goal is to set a net zero pathway that ultimately drives our total greenhouse gas emissions to equal or less than the emissions that we remove from the environment.

We also fully support the NHS Net Zero Supplier Roadmap, which charts a route towards a net zero healthcare system. As a trusted NHS partner and in line with the roadmap, we will publicly report emissions and publish a carbon reduction plan aligned to the NHS’ net zero target, for both our direct and indirect emissions.

Over the next 5 years, at InHealth we commit to:


Focusing on travel and moving to electric vehicles wherever we can


Exploring, investing in and implementing the latest technologies, which deliver improved outcomes for patients while having a positive impact on the environment


Reducing our energy and fuel costs

As we strive to create a cleaner, brighter and greener future, our Sustainability and IT teams have been working hard to implement a new environmental and energy management system.

We are delighted that all our efforts have resulted in us becoming ISO14001 (Environmental Management) and ISO50001 (Energy Management) certified.

Watch our video

Our sustainability strategy video explains our commitment to social value and how we will contribute toward a net zero healthcare system  

InHealth is committed to transparency and ethical behaviour in all our activities, making a positive social, economic and environmental contribution to the communities in which we operate.

We promote equality and diversity across the organisation, focussing on staff development and providing safeguards to ensure all employees are treated with respect.

Our employees are committed to corporate and social responsibilities in their day to day work, and through their work with charities, communities and environmental projects, and we ensure that environmental policy is continually reviewed to ensure that it reflects changes in regulation and best practice.

As part of a renewed sustainability strategy, our goal is to set a net zero pathway that ultimately drives our total greenhouse gas emissions to equal or less than the emissions that we remove from the environment.

We also fully support the NHS Net Zero Supplier Roadmap, which charts a route towards a net zero healthcare system. As a trusted NHS partner and in line with the roadmap, we will publicly report emissions and publish a carbon reduction plan aligned to the NHS’ net zero target, for both our direct and indirect emissions.

Over the next 5 years, at InHealth we commit to:


Focusing on travel and moving to electric vehicles wherever we can


Exploring, investing in and implementing the latest technologies, which deliver improved outcomes for patients while having a positive impact on the environment


Reducing our energy and fuel costs

As we strive to create a cleaner, brighter and greener future, our Sustainability and IT teams have been working hard to implement a new environmental and energy management system.

We are delighted that all our efforts have resulted in us becoming ISO14001 (Environmental Management) and ISO50001 (Energy Management) certified.

Watch our video

Our sustainability strategy video explains our commitment to social value and how we will contribute toward a net zero healthcare system